Jacaranda Journey

The best thing about Colombia: it's warm and wonderful people

Its long fountain was dry when we arrived and filled with water when we departed Colombia

The exquisite little Muisca raft (photo: afowen.com)

Muzzles are mandatory; most dogs are pit bull mixes

Parks become public aerobic classes

Christian led the Street Art Tour; He is a grafitero whose street name is "Crisp"

A colorful alley near the university known for selling chicha, an alcoholic drink

Painting on Sant Just Restaurant

Stinkfish is a prolific street artist that does colorful portraits of ordinary people

Setting up for Dia de la Independencia in its large plaza

Wool hanging on a clothes line; the town is know for its woven woolen goods like ruanas (ponchos)

Dia de la Independencia crowds gathering

Dia de la Independencia

Dia de la Independencia

Performers in the Independence Day Folklorico

Indigenous performer in the Independence Day Folklorico

Troupe of young dancers have their picture taken with the Minister of Culture (the woman in the last row to the left)

Picture perfect

Ode to the Fat Bottom Ant

Ant graphics on a local hostel