Jacaranda Journey

Google Earth image shows Garue Pass (left) and the bommie field we needed to navigate to transverse the lagoon to Kon Tiki Island on the other side (right).

Our track across the lagoon on the chartplotter (note the lack of detail for navigation)

by Erik Hesselberg, 1947

svBeach House & rainbow

Us on Jacaranda

Us standing on the deck under a rainbow (Photo: Kim on svMaluhia)

(Photo: Scott on svBeach House)

Kon-Tiki Motu and the reef where the vessel shipwrecked in 1947

In Papeete, Tahiti after its removal from Raroia (1947)

In Papeete, Tahiti after its removal from Raroia (1947)

The original raft restored in the Museum in Oslo, Norway (internet photo)

The original raft restored in the Museum in Oslo, Norway (internet photo)

Chuck at the Kon-Tiki memorial on the motu

Commemmorative plaque placed there by Heyerdahl's grandson after a reenactment of the voyage

Chuck with Scott and Nikki

Ryan from svNaoma kiteboarding in front of the Kon-Tiki Motu

Yoga on the beach

Black tip shark with an aquarium escort

Noddies nesting

Noddy sitting on eggs

Jacaranda anchored in the northeast corner of Raroia

svMaluhia anchored near us in the northeast corner of Raroia

Outer reef

Fisherman's hut on the outer reef

An FAD (Fish Attracting Device) washed ashore on the reef - probably from South America

Gooseneck barnacles on the FAD raft found on the reef

Electric sunset

Electric sunset

Electric sunset

Jacaranda and sharks


Outer reef


Hermit crab

Tridacna clams - jewels on the reef are collected for food

Tridacna clam

Giant moray eel at a cleaning station

Tiny Nudibranch (about an inch in length) has a carnival costume

Pin cushion star

Octopus in shallow water changing color - Camouflage 1

Octopus in shallow water changing color - Camouflage 2

Octopus in shallow water changing color - Camouflage 3

Octopus in shallow water changing color - Camouflage 4

A typical Puamotan town where the Raroians live principally by fishing, copra cultivation, and pearl farming.

Quay with a bicycle - the common mode of transportation on the atoll