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Jacaranda Journey

Trip Reports: The Details from our Passage Note Narratives
Trip Reports give the details - hotels, restaurants, guides, tours, etc. - of some of our travels that we write about in our Passage Notes. We hope this will be of some help to people wanting to travel in the same areas.
How We Travel - An Explanation Behind Our Trip Reports (read this first)
Trip Report: South Africa, Dec. 2017-Feb. 2018
Trip Report: Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Feb. 2017
Trip Report: Cuba, March 2014
Trip Report: Argentina, Sept./Oct. 2014
Trip Report: Colombia, July/August 2014
Trip Report: Ecuador - Quito/Otavalo/Mindo/Guayaquil 2013-15
Trip Report: Ecuador - Central and Amazon Oct. 2013
Trip Report: Ecuador - Cuenca and Vilcabamba 2013
Trip Report: Through the Back Door - Peru to Ecuador/Cuenca, August 2013
Trip Report: Peru II - The Northern Highlands; August 2013
Trip Report: Peru I - The Gringo Trail; July/August 2013
Trip Report: Nicaragua, March 2013
Trip Report: Guatemala; March 2013
Trip Report: El Salvador; February 2013
Trip Report: San Cristobal de Las Casas (Chiapas), Mexico; February 2013
Trip Report: Oaxaca City, Mexico; January 2013
Trip Report: Norwegian Fjords; August 2012
Trip Report: Copper Canyon, Mexico; October 2010
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